Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Best auto repair shop

Once again, we are the "best auto repair shop near me", the "best auto mechanic near me", the "best brake repair shop".
But who is the best shop for Subaru; ABC Auto Care. Best for your Toyota or Lexus, you guessed it, ABC Auto Care. What about Infinity or Hyundai, of course it is ABC Auto Care! Who is the best for European vehicles? The best repair shop for BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, and we might as well throw in Jaguar and Land Rover.
How can you not love the internet when you are an advertiser?
You can make any claims or statements, yet do not have to offer any factual evidence. Many people believe, if it is on the internet, it must be true, right?
Want proof? Here we have it, two years in a row!


For the paltry sum of just a few hundred dollars, I can boast all of these claims and this company will back them up. Are they real?  They are on the internet, what other proof do you need?
Ask them how they rate, their research, tabulations, vote counting and all of that sort, you will get nowhere with it. But it sure looks impressive!

Bottom line is you pay and you are number one with them. If you are wondering, no, I did not sign up for the Best of the Spectrum Awards. I will not fall for it because I know it's bogus, although I am pretty sure a lot of others will run to sign up and claim they are the "Best Of".
Not all that glitters is gold, and most of the internet is filled with factually unchecked claims. Caveat emptor!